
very special people...

Another addition to the special people in my life in Thailand, View. I met View at our first campus outreach. She's a truly awesome student. She is the best english speaking student I've met. She does a lot of MCing for the university events. We have so much fun together! View is Buddhist and I hope to share the gospel with her soon. Please be praying that she will be open to hearing the Good News and that Christ would begin to break her heart for him now.
This post is an addition to the people I've introduced thru this blog. Bang and I met thru my other friend, View. We've had some chances to hang out outside of campus such as at her apartment, at night market, and at a few of the outreaches she's been able to come to. She's so funny...one day when I asked her if she liked my new shoes she said "No, not really". We laughed about her honesty and compared it to the "polite lie" that many people tell just to be nice. We've chatted about the gospel, Jesus, Buddhism, her mom (who is Buddhist) and what life is all about. Buddhism has very strong ties to not only a person's culture, but also to their family. Many times students tell me they are Buddhist because their parents are. My desire is that they hear about my Father and then make their own decision about where to place their faith. Please be praying for Bang, that she might continue to be receptive during our talks, and that God would open her heart to Him, regardless of what her family says.